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supplied with 意味

"supplied with"の例文


  • 《be ~》~に同梱されている
    For information on how to select and start a job, please refer to the ABC User Manual supplied with your system. 《マニュアル》ジョブのセレクト、スタートの詳細については、システムに付属の「ABC ユーザーマニュアル」を参照してください。
  • supplied     {名-1} : 供給(量)
  • supplied    {名-1} : 供給(量) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 生活必需品、補給品◆supplies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • amount supplied    供給量{きょうきゅうりょう}
  • articles supplied    支給品{しきゅうひん}
  • author supplied    {形} :
  • author-supplied    {形} : 著者{ちょしゃ}が提供{ていきょう}する、著者{ちょしゃ}から提供{ていきょう}される
  • balances supplied    残高供給量{ざんだか きょうきゅう りょう}
  • commodity supplied    供給品{きょうきゅう ひん}、供給{きょうきゅう}される商品{しょうひん}
  • currency supplied    貨幣供給量{かへい きょうきゅうりょう}
  • energy supplied    エネルギー供給量
  • media supplied    供給{きょうきゅう}メディア
  • quantity supplied    供給量{きょうきゅうりょう}
  • supplied data    supplied data 補記事項[その他]
  • supplied in a case    ケース入りで◆商品カタログなどで使われる表現


  • to let the blood be supplied with the heart .
  • in the city capitals . they are all supplied with plenty of water . it's cool .
    水に困っていないんです それは良いことですが
  • upon entering the military , every body was supplied with a white etchu fundoshi and was forced to use it .
  • apparently the water flows through an underground reservoir ... and evans city is supplied with artesian systems out of that .
    汚染した水が地下の貯水池へ エバンス市は井戸の街だ それで街に残り
  • all 235 crew members , including captain ゴムイセフ , reached land by 6:00 pm and were supplied with food and drink under the residents ' protection for the night .
  • in 1688 , the book " teikin orai zusan " (home education textbook , the illustrated edition ) contained 509 illustrations above the sentences , each supplied with simple comments on keywords .
  • therefore , if typhoon or tropical cyclone comes close to or lands in the vicinity of bail front , the baiu front which has been supplied with plenty of moisture vapor becomes active resulting in torrential rain .
  • in 1869 he became a member of toshoke (the hereditary lineage of court nobles occupying relatively high ranks ) and was supplied with 30-koku karoku (hereditary stipend ) for san-nin fuchi (the equivalent of an annual three-man rice stipend ).
  • the ship was supplied with 8 ,000 tons of coal , 15 ,000 pud (245 .70 tons ) of nitrocellulose , 3 ,200 pud (52 .41 tons ) of pyroxenes , some bullets , torpedoes , provisions , and some bulls at the port of libau .
  • like kunuhi , kanko were not only allotted state-distributed fields (called " kubunden " in japanese ) of equal value to those held by ryomin and granted time off , including leave for mourning and childbirth , but also supplied with food and clothing .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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